After Bankruptcy: Credit-Building Myths

Credit-Building Myths

After declaring bankruptcy, your primary focus might be to rebuild your
credit score. After all, you know that while bankruptcy is a black mark
on your credit score, it’s not a death sentence for your finances:
bankruptcy is on your credit score for seven to ten years, but lenders
will start working with you if you show responsible financial behavior
after just a few years. With that in mind, it’s important to hit the
ground running as soon as your debts are discharged.

If you want to rebuild your credit score to a robust level, make sure you
avoid these massive credit-building myths:

  1. You may have heard that opting out of credit card offers will help your
    credit score, but that’s not the case. While these companies look
    at your credit score to send you pre-screened offers, credit rating agencies
    regard these as “soft” inquiries; therefore, they don’t
    affect your credit rating. You can opt out of these offers (yes, you’ll
    get them, even after bankruptcy), but don’t do it in the hopes that
    it will help boost your score.
  2. If you think that closing your old credit cards will help your score, think
    again: money experts indicate that closing your accounts will actually
    damage your credit score. You see, your credit score is made up of a credit-to-debt
    ratio – and if you close an old account, your credit-to-debt ratio will
    inflate. Keep your old credit cards open, but put them on ice (literally
    – sticking them in the freezer is a great temptation-avoidance tool) if
    you’re afraid you’ll use them again.
  3. Similarly, if you’re tempted to get as much credit as possible after
    getting your debts discharged in a bankruptcy, you’re plummeting your
    credit score. When you do this, banks begin to wonder just why you need
    all that credit – and they start to get wary. Additionally, these “hard”
    inquiries lower your credit score, which means you’ll be in worse
    shape than when you first started applying for new credit.
  4. Paying your credit card before the due date only works if you use the following
    technique – you need to pay the entire balance in full before the close
    of your new statement. Instead of looking at your due date, look at the
    new statement date and consider that to be your new payment schedule.
    It can raise your credit score rather quickly.
  5. Negative payments don’t necessarily have to have a negative impact
    on your credit score – in fact, financial experts indicate that it’s
    possible to have a 700 FICO score and a bankruptcy that’s at least
    five years old. That’s why it’s incredibly vital to start rebuilding
    your credit score as soon as your debts are discharged in bankruptcy.

Declaring bankruptcy doesn’t have to be a death sentence for your credit
score – make sure that you don’t fall for these credit-building myths,
and lenders will be ignoring your bankruptcy in just a few years.